

Mindfulness Teachers

Carroll, Michael Awakening Our Natural Agility in the Face of Work’s Challenges

Chodron, Pema Fear and Fearlessness

Chodron, Pema  Working with Shenpa (Getting Hooked)

Freeman, Lawrence  Attention

Nhat Hanh, Thich Living Mindfully

Suzuki, Shunryu  Sound and Noise

Suzuki, Shunryu Zen in America from Sunseed–cuke edit

Trungpa, Chogyam, Basic Goodness and Harmony

Trungpa, Chogyam, Meditation Instruction: How to Meditate

Kabat-Zinn, Jon, Listening Is an Act of Love


Dhamma Brothers

Fareed Zakaria (CNN), Last Look: Police Meditation

Gary Turk, Look Up

Kristin Neff, Mindfulness: Self-Compassion

Kelty Mental Health,  Mindfulness: Youth Voices

Mark Bertolini, Yoga, Mindfulness and Leadership with Mark Bertolini at Wisdom 2.0 (2013),

Willoughby Britton, Why a Neuroscientist Would Study Meditation

Daniel Rechtschaffen, Mindfulness and Education

Audio Mindfulness Resources

Alan Sloan, Practical Compassion, October 19-21, 2012, St. John’s, Newfoundland (c) Alan Sloan 2012

Ken Friedman, Anxiety and the Practice of Mindfulness Meditation, St. John’s, Newfoundland, June 15-17, 2012

Click link to download and save to your computer.

Carolyn Rose Gimian, Smile at Fear, St. John’s, Newfoundland, April 27-29, 2012

Click link to download and save to your computer.

Ken Friedman, Communication and Relationships on the Spiritual Path, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Sept 30 – Oct 2, 2011

Click link to download and save to your computer.

Ken Friedman, Love and Relationships on the Spiritual Path, St. John’s, Newfoundland, June 15, 2012

Click link to download and save to your computer.