
Author archives

Rubber Boots of Awareness

(c) Andrew Safer 2015 While walking on a trail, muddy water can be such a threat to shoes! I avoid it at all costs, muttering under my breath as I carefully choose my steps. But walking the same trail in rubber boots, I delight in wading through several-inch-deep puddles. Burying emotions and upsets while keeping …

Making Friends with Yourself (II)

© Andrew Safer 2015 When we interrupt our busy momentum—even if it’s just for a moment—we have a chance to make friends with ourselves. This is not just a matter of giving ourselves a break—although that’s certainly part of it. There’s something more… In meditation practice, we see that our minds are so busy—nervous about …

Making Friends with Yourself (I)

(c) Andrew Safer 2015 You have a chat with your manager and let your guard down. On your way home, a familiar voice pipes up: “I probably shouldn’t have said that. Now he’s going to think I’m disloyal / stupid / not qualified / soft.” But the commentator in your head doesn’t stop there. “Why …