
Mindfulness Awareness Meditation Instructor Training Course

Flowers, Purple, Lavender, Blossom

The Mindfulness Awareness Meditation Instructor Training Course (MAMITC) will launch in September 2023 and run until June 2024, culminating in a 5-day in-person Silent Retreat in July/August.
This course combines breath awareness, Mindfulness awareness meditation, and secular Mindfulness with very little reference to religion, ritual, and foreign terms. Applied Mindfulness is featured in the later sessions.
After practicing Mindfulness for some time, we begin to see the positive influence it’s having on our lives. We don’t want to keep it to ourselves! We want to share it with friends, colleagues, and family–but there is a catch. In order to impart the instruction properly, we need to be an authorized meditation instructor.
After all, we are working with people’s minds! It seems like a pretty simple process, but only when there is knowledge, insight, and experience behind the instruction, does it have the weight of authority. Like an iceberg, most of the instructor’s capability is out of sight.
This course provides the background in Mindfulness you will need to give accurate instruction,  answer questions appropriately, guide students, encourage them to deepen their all-important personal mindfulness practice, and give mindfulness presentations.

Who is it for?                Anyone who:

  • Is open to learning something new.
  • Would like to give mindfulness and mindfulness-awareness meditation instruction and / or presentations.
  • Would like to receive a thorough education and training in Mindfulness.
  • Would like to learn the content covered in this curriculum.
  • Is interested in Applied Mindfulness, particularly in mental health and addictions.
  • Interested in learning how mindfulness-awareness meditation relates to everyday life.

Prerequisites:                All of the following:

  • A meditation practitioner for at least two years.
  • Daily (or almost daily) practitioner.

The training consists of

  • The sessions are weekly with the exception of two weekend intensives, conducted Hybrid (in-person and on Zoom)
  • 60 hr. Program Sessions :40 1.5 hr. sessions (Zoom)
  • 15 hr. Book Study sessions: 1 hr. (Zoom)
  • 15 hr. Mentoring (Zoom)
  • Total for above instruction: 90 hr.
  • Links to relevant articles and videos, sent by email between weekly sessions
  • Meditation Retreats, Summer: 4 out of 5 days (July/August), and Winter/Fall: 2 days
  • Total: above retreats: 70 hr.
  • Student demonstration of meditation instruction / presentation of Mindfulness
  • Certificates of Completion will be issued, pending satisfactory participation, including oral/written responses to questions posed on completion of sessions.
  • Total time for instruction and retreats: 160 hr. (perfect attendance)


  • Andrew Safer’s (Mindfulness Teacher’s) experience both as a Mindfulness practitioner (55 years) and authorized meditation instructor (30 years).
  • Andrew Safer has 10 years experience in Applied Mindfulness program development and implementation.
  • A mindfulness-awareness orientation is unusual for this type of program.
  • Significant retreat time distinguishes this training.
  • Participants engage with the instructor, the material, and their peers in real time, as opposed to watching videos. This allows for live Q & A, adapting to evolving situations, and relationship building.
  • MAMITC spans 11 months. Our belief is that maintaining a practice and study routine over this extended time frame facilitates integration of both the practice and the principles of Mindfulness presented.

The Session Topics Follow:

Literature, A Book, Adult Education



Session #1: Mindfulness vs. Mindlessness – Breath Awareness

Session #2: Mindfulness Awareness Meditation / Roots

Session #3: The Four Noble Truths

Session #4: The Noble Eightfold Path

Session #5: Basic Goodness

Session #6: Mindfulness in Everyday Life


Session  #7: Loving-Kindness

Session #8: Compassion: The Impulse to Relieve Suffering

Session #9: Thinking of Others

Session #10: Mindful Listening / Communication & Relationships

Session #11: Healthy Relationship with Thoughts I

Session #12: Healthy Relationship with Thoughts II

Session #13: Healthy Relationship with Feelings/Emotions I

Session #14: Healthy Relationship with Feelings/Emotions II


Session #15: Fear & Fearlessness 

Session #16: Six Non-Egocentric Actions I

Session #17: Six Non-Egocentric Actions II

Session #18: Ethics of a Meditation Instructor / Teacher 

Session #19: Four Foundations of Mindfulness: Body & Life

Session 20: Four Foundations of Mindfulness: Effort & Mind

Session #21: Emptiness



Session #22: The Obstacle of Self-Centeredness

Session #23: Mindfulness Teacher vs. Therapist

Session #24: Science & Research on Mindfulness

Session #25: Mindfulness & the Digital Distraction Minefield 

Session #26: Health Care Applications of Mindfulness 

Session #27: Trauma-Informed Mindfulness 

Session #28: Meditation Instructor’s Role

Session #29: Developing an Applied Mindfulness Workshop

Session #30: Your Workshop: Getting Feedback


Session #31: Giving Meditation Instruction: Key Elements

Session #32: Working with a Group

Session #33: Obstacles & Antidotes; Mechanics of Sitting Practice


Session #34: Mindfulness in Education

Session #35: Mindfulness in the Workplace

Session #36: Mindfulness & Stress 

Session #37: Mindfulness & Anxiety 

Session #38: Mindfulness & Depression

Session #39 Mindfulness & Addictions

Session #40: Mindfulness & Suicidal Thoughts


            Book, Read, Woman, Reading Glasses

Book Study & Discussion

The following books are recommended:

Brach, Tara, Radical Acceptance (New York: Bantam), 2004.

Carroll, Michael, Awake at Work (Boston: Shambhala), 2004.

*Chodron, Pema, When Things Fall Apart (Boston: Shambhala), 2016.

Kabat-Zinn, Jon, Wherever You Go, There You Are (New York:   Hyperion), 2005.

Levine, Stephen, A Gradual Awakening (New York: Anchor Books),    1979.

Neff, Kristin, Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself (New York: William Morrow Paperback Edition), 2012.

*Safer, Andrew, Anxiety, Stress & Mindfulness: A Do-It-Yourself Guide to Wellness (Wimberly, Texas: 2nd Tier Publishing), 2018.

*Trungpa, Chogyam, Mindfulness in Action (Boston: Shambhala),   2015.

*Trungpa, Chogyam, The Path of Individual Liberation, (Boston: Shambhala), 2013.

By studying, reading, and discussing selected books, your understanding of key Mindfulness principles and teachings will deepen.

We will be reading and discussing chapters from

  • When Things Fall Apart by Pema Chodron
  • Mindfulness in Action by Chogyam Trungpa

These books will be provided to you in paperback or e-book format.


Participants will have time with a mentor, a flesh-and-blood resource who will guide you and provide feedback re: all aspects of meditation instruction and related issues.

Beneficial Health Effects

A significant amount of evidence-based research shows beneficial outcomes for Mindfulness Training in a variety of applications, ranging from anxiety and depression to overwhelm and burnout. Since the case for the beneficial health effects of Mindfulness has become compelling, this practice has found its way into the mainstream.

In many aspects, our world is upside-down and seriously mixed-up!…and therefore the relevance of Mindfulness continues to grow. One could argue that the need has never been greater. There is no question that individuals with proper training, who exert and apply themselves responsibly and compassionately, will be able to do a great deal of good in this world, which needs so much help.

Nuts and Bolts

This course is Zoom-based (although in-person is offered in the two intensive weekend programs and the five-day Retreat), so students can participate from any location where there is Internet access, either by computer, smartphone, or tablet. A melding of individual effort and collective purpose ignites the momentum of the group going forward. Participants agree to confidentiality, which covers any and all personal and sensitive information shared within the group.

Secular / Outbreath

This course has a Mindfulness-Awareness focus in a secular context, with the exception of key principles and teachings from the Buddhist tradition, presented generically. The outbreath orientation in sitting practice, which is connected to taking a big view / space, informs much of the content that is presented.

Andrew Safer Bio

Andrew Safer

Andrew began practicing mindfulness in the Zen tradition in California in 1968 after being introduced to Shunryu Suzuki, Roshi, founder of the San Francisco Zen Center, and he began practicing in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition at age 20. He studied with Chogyam Trungpa in Colorado for 14 years, who was founder of the first Buddhist-inspired university in North America–Naropa University.

Andrew trained under his direction in a three-month intensive meditation practice and study program in Colorado. He moved to Halifax, Nova Scotia in 1987, where he became an authorized meditation instructor through Shambhala International in 1993. Andrew has given Mindfulness-Awareness meditation instruction to thousands of students since.

Applied Mindfulness

In 2008, Andrew and his wife, Catherine, moved to St. John’s, Newfoundland. Between 2010 and 2014, he presented a 6-week Mindfulness workshop series at the Family Life Bureau, Archdiocese of St. John’s. He began to develop and implement Mindfulness workshops for Addictions, Anxiety and Stress, Depression, and Suicide Prevention, as well as for youth, student physicians, health care / mental health and addictions  managers, social workers, police, and prison inmates.

Andrew has conducted his Workplace Mindfulness program with university staff, faculty, and students; police; engineers and geoscientists; and healthcare managers. In the later stages of the pandemic, he began offering his Resilience through Mindfulness program in 2022.

Ongoing Practice

After presenting his first Mindfulness workshop series in 2010, it was obvious that people needed a supportive environment for developing an ongoing meditation practice. In 2011, Andrew started leading weekly meditation and book discussion sessions, which has continued to this day. In addition, he leads a seven-day silent Summer Retreat, and two-day Fall and Winter Retreats each year.

Safer Mindfulness (www.safermindfulness.com) is the company Andrew founded in 2014.


Safer Mindfulness partners on programs in Mental Health and Addictions and the Workplace with Dr. Janna Rosales, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Memorial University of Newfoundland; Canadian Mental Health Association—Newfoundland and Labrador; Professional Engineers and Geoscientists Newfoundland and Labrador; and the Pottle Centre. Psychiatrists, psychologists, and other health care professionals refer clients to Andrew’s programs.


Andrew worked as a freelance writer for 27 years, specializing in writing business and technology-related articles for magazines. He has written four books, including one biography, a violence-prevention curriculum, Anxiety, Stress & Mindfulness: A Do-It-Yourself Guide to Wellness (2nd Tier Publishing, 2018), and Mindfulness for the Workplace, to be published in Spring 2024.

Andrew received CHANNAL’s Hope Award for empowering others in 2017. (CHANNAL, now Lifewise, was the Consumers’ Health Awareness Network Newfoundland and Labrador.)


Outcomes from his programs are posted here: https://safermindfulness.com/outcomes/

Note: Kathy Porter will be conducting some of the mentoring and book study/discussion sessions.

Kathy Porter Bio

Kathy Porter has been studying and practicing Mindfulness-Awareness Meditation for the past 11 years, and has been a meditation instructor for 6 years. She has participated in and helped to organize annual week-long silent retreats, led by Andrew, as well as regular shorter retreats throughout the year.

She has also served as a mentor for Andrew’s Mindfulness and Depression workshop series, as well as for the first-ever local program on Suicide Prevention Through Mindfulness Training. Before her retirement, Kathy worked with the  CBC in Newfoundland and Labrador in various journalistic roles, including producer, host, and reporter.

Program Cost: Part One: January 23, 2024 to May 7, 2024……….$1,425.00 ($ Can.)

Part Two: September 7, 2024 to December 17, 2024…………………$1,425.00 ($ Can.)

Total…………………………………………………………………………….. $2,850.00* ($ Can.)

* This amount covers all program expenses (including books), excluding any in-person retreat costs incurred either at Safer Mindfulness’ Summer Retreat in Newfoundland, or Retreats located elsewhere.

  • $250.00 Deposit (Can. $) (Part One: January 23 to May 7) is due with application*;
  • $250.00 Deposit (Part Two: September 7 to December 17) is due by September 1, 2024.
  • $260.00 / month for 9 months (January to May, and September to December) is due on the first of each month.

*Refundable if entry criteria are not met.