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Mindfulness workshops ranging in length from introductory one-hour sessions to 10-week programs are customized to ensure maximum relevance to participants. Andrew Safer has conducted workshops, programs, and presentations on Mindfulness for a variety of clients, including:
- Addiction Treatment Services Association
- Aspens & Oaks (counselling services and solutions)
- Association for New Canadians
- Association of Professional Residents–NL
- Better Days Support Society
- Buckmaster’s Circle Community Centre
- Canadian Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation—NL
- Canadian Health Organization
- Canadian Mental Health Association—NL
- Consumers’ Health Awareness Network NL
- Choices for Youth
- City of Mount Pearl
- Desjardins Financial Services
- Department of Community Services (Halifax)
- Easter Seals
- Eastern Health
- Case Management Services
- Centre for Pain and Disability Management
- Dr. H. Bliss Murphy Cancer Centre
- Learning Leaders
- Pastoral Care and Ethics
- Social Worker training
- Traumatic Stress Program
- Family Life Bureau–Counselling Centre
- For the Love of Learning
- Gathering Place
- Gonzaga High School Ancillary Operations Fund
- Growing Health
- Her Majesty’s Penitentiary
- Holy Spirit High School
- Independent Living Resource Centre
- Key Assets
- Lantern
- Memorial University
- Discipline of Psychiatry
- Engineering Department
- Human Resources Department
- Religious Studies Department
- School of Social Work
- Student Leadership Conference
- NarAnon
- Newfoundland and Labrador Child and Youth Care Conference
- Newfoundland and Labrador Federation of School Councils
- Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
- Newfoundland and Labrador Sexual Assault Crisis and Prevention Centre
- New Hope Community Centre
- Parish of the Good Shepherd
- Prince of Wales Collegiate
- Professional Engineers and Geoscientists–NL
- Public Service Commission
- Royal Newfoundland Constabulary
- St. John’s Military Family Resource Centre
- St. John’s Native Friendship Centre
- St. Teresa’s Parish Hall
- Schizophrenia Society of NL
- Stella’s Circle–Emmanuel House
- Turnings
- Waypoints

Mindfulness-Awareness Workshop Series
Mindfulness practice brings us back to the here and now and helps us to not get caught up in the storylines in our heads about the past and future.
Offered three times a year since September 2010, this eight-session weekly course (2.5 hour sessions) is for people who are new to mindfulness as well as those who would like to deepen their practice and study. Modules include:
– Introduction to Mindfulness
– Being Present
– Making Friends with Ourselves
– Working with Negativity
– Opening to the World
– Mindfulness in Everyday Life
See poster below
Monday Night Mindfulness Practice
Every Monday night, that were at The Lantern, 35 Barnes Road, for sitting and walking meditation practice, are now via Zoom.
Arrive around 7:00 pm for a 7:15 pm start for mindfulness practice.
Discussion on a reading until 8:45 pm.
Newcomers: e-mail to arrange to meet earlier for meditation instruction.